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Migrate Websites to WordPress and Spend Less Time on Supporting Old Clients

Migrate Website to WordPress

Over the past few years, many agencies have learned to make websites that can be maintained easily, which is the key to being profitable on retainers.

Many people have questions regarding what they can do with the sites that you built before. Some of the options include:

  • I hope the best without doing anything.
  • Build new sites on WordPress and sell redesign projects.
  • You can keep the design the same and sell migrations to WordPress.
  • You can bite the bullet and sleep better at night by choosing to migrate website to WordPress without charging anything extra from your clients.

We like to give you some push as these initiatives tend to end up at the bottom of the pile. Under this blog, we have outlined some reasons why you should consider migrating websites to WordPress. Additionally, we have also covered how to do it and offer to help with work.

How can migrating websites to WordPress benefit your company?

There are many reasons you should want to begin a campaign to get your previous clients migrated over to WordPress. Some of the most important reasons are:

  • One can maintain their agency’s strong reputation by having the majority of the clients on great responsive sites.
  • You can have an opportunity to upgrade hosting and maintenance contracts. Another option is to sell a redesign project.
  • You can also standardize your support for hosting for all clients with a similar backend setup.
  • Requested fixes quicker can be performed to open up new possibilities of selling additional features.
  • Minimize time spent on free fixes when clients can update content and links without taking help from any official from the WordPress admin panel.
  • With up to date sites, you can also reduce security threats.

Can one convert websites to WordPress without paying any charge?

The majority of the people search on Google to automatically converting websites from an old CMS to WordPress as they want to convert it for free.As per professionals who offer WordPress web development services, it can be concluded that it would be wiser to do the job manually to ensure the website is as good as you want it to be.

Clients rely on you for everything, including the cost. When a client searches to convert the website for free, there aren’t many free options available as the conversions require professionals time. With the expert’s experience with migrations, it can be concluded that migrations started way back in 2013.

Around that time, a lot of requests were received for migrations as it would make the websites more responsive.  Even more, it escalated when Google announced that its search algorithm would account for the mobile experience.

Adobe in 2018, had announced that they wouldn’t develop and support Business catalyst further. It leads to the creation of a new round of migration projects that the professionals helped the companies with. Earlier all migrations were manual.

Instead, what agencies will struggle most of the time is determining who will pay for the migrations. After that, experts who offer WordPress web development state that has seen work for companies who wish to migrate their clients over WordPress.

The cleaning process for migrating old websites to WordPress:

  • Firstly, you need to create a list of all your clients who have CMS websites that you want to phase out. Then it would be best if you separated those clients whose sites are more than four years old.
  • You need to personally reach out to clients and make them understand the benefits of WordPress. You can tell them that WordPress is great for SEO, ensuring that the site is responsive, easy to update the content, and offers excellent security.
  • Additionally, you can offer some great deals to clients for migrating to WordPress, provided they sign up for a monthly plan with excellent maintenance and host with SSL.
  • Lastly, you can close on the deal.
  • For the development part, you can also offer them a quote and provide them with a sample URL that you might have sold earlier without redesign.
  • You can get the developers started by accepting the quotes.
  • You can replace your client’s site easily.
  • Also, you can enjoy the new recurrent revenue and have minimum things to worry about.

How can migrating websites to WordPress benefit your company?

There are many reasons for starting a campaign to get your old clients migrated over to WordPress. Some of the essential tips are:

  • You need to maintain a strong reputation for your company by having the majority of the clients migrated to WordPress.
  • You also get an opportunity to upgrade both maintenance and hosting contracts.
  • Minimize time on free fixes.
  • With up to date websites, security threats are also minimum.

Thus it would be great for you to help your clients migrate to WordPress easily.


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